Juli 31, 2009


Kamu tak bisa mengubah masa lalu....
tetapi dapat menghancurkan masa kini dengan mengkhawatirkan masa depan.
Bila Kamu mengisi hati kamu dengan penyesalan untuk masa lalu dan
kekhawatiran untuk masa depan, Kamu tak memiliki hari ini untuk kamu
Jika kamu berpikir tentang hari kemarin tanpa rasa
penyesalan dan hari esok tanpa rasa takut,
berarti kamu sudah berada dijalan yang benar menuju

Perkawinan memang memiliki banyak kesusahan,
tetapi kehidupan lajang tidak memiliki kesenangan.
Buka mata kamu lebar-lebar sebelum menikah,
dan biarkan mata kamu setengah terpejam sesudahnya.
Menikahi wanita atau pria karena kecantikannya atau
ketampanannya sama seperti membeli rumah karena lapisan catnya.
Harta milik yang paling berharga bagi seorang pria
di dunia ini adalah .. ?
hati seorang wanita.

Tuhan yang Mahabaik memberi kita ikan,
tetapi kita harus mengail untuk mendapatkannya.
Demikian juga Jika kamu terus menunggu waktu yang
tepat, mungkin kamu tidak akan pernah mulai.
Mulailah sekarang...
mulailah di mana kamu berada sekarang dengan apa
adanya.Jangan pernah pikirkan kenapa kita memilih seseorang
untuk dicintai,tapi sadarilah bahwa cintalah yang memilih kita
untuk mencintainya.

Begitu juga Persahabatan, persahabatan adalah 1 jiwa
dalam 2 raga .Persahabatan sejati layaknya kesehatan,
nilainya baru kita sadari setelah kita
Seorang sahabat adalah yang dapat mendengarkan lagu
didalam hatimu
dan akan menyanyikan kembali tatkala kau lupa akan
bait-baitnya. Sahabat adalah tangan Tuhan untuk menjaga Kita.
Rasa hormat tidak selalu membawa kepada
persahabatan, tapi Jangan pernah menyesal untuk bertemu dengan
orang lain... tapi menyesal-lah jika orang itu menyesal bertemu
dengan kamu.

Bertemanlah dengan orang yang suka membela
Dialah hiasan dikala kamu senang dan perisai diwaktu
kamu susah.
Namun kamu tidak akan pernah memiliki seorang teman,
jika kamu mengharapkan seseorang tanpa kesalahan.

Karena semua manusia itu baik kalau kamu bisa
melihat kebaikannya dan menyenangkan kalau kamu bisa melihat keunikannya
tapi semua manusia itu akan buruk dan membosankan
kalau kamu tidak bisa melihat keduanya.
Begitu juga Kebijakan, Kebijakan itu seperti cairan,
kegunaannya terletak pada penerapan yang benar,
orang pintar bisa gagal karena ia memikirkan terlalu
banyak hal,
sedangkan orang bodoh sering kali berhasil dengan
melakukan tindakan tepat.
Dan Kebijakan sejati tidak datang dari pikiran kita
tetapi juga berdasarkan pada perasaan dan fakta.
Tak seorang pun sempurna.
Mereka yang mau belajar dari kesalahan adalah bijak.
Menyedihkan melihat orang berkeras bahwa mereka
benar meskipun terbukti salah.

Apa yang berada di belakang kita dan apa yang berada
di depan kita
adalah perkara kecil berbanding dengan apa yang
berada di dalam kita.

Juli 22, 2009

Saw VI trailer ..

One thing I genuinely appreciate about the Saw franchise is that it is the rare series where it's easy to go into the next installment knowing next to nothing about what will happen. The sets are pretty top-secret. The trailers reveal no plot. And there are no test screenings, preview screenings, or press screenings that could otherwise allow weak-willed people such as myself from knowing too much going in. This teaser follows suit, revealing only what will likely be the opening scene. The use of the current health insurance scandals is so obviously topical that it's almost funny. But it's the rare Jigsaw trap that actually makes a sort of logical sense (an insurance agent who theoretically chooses who lives and dies must now literally chose who gets to live). And while we can argue whether health insurance bureaucrats deserve to perish in the grisliest of fashions, it's nice that Jigsaw seems to have taken a respite from targeting cops who care too much or believe in the general decency of their fellow humans. For those who have followed this increasingly goofy series up to now, there's no reason to stop now.

Juli 20, 2009

The teaser poster for A Nigtmare On Elm Street

Cool! Very stylish, very low key, and very moody. Just cool.

It's a nice, moody poster, but why no John Malkovich?

Shutter Island poster ...

It's obvious that Paramount is trying to sell this as a pure 100% star-driven thriller. Which is funny because that's exactly the kind of thing that Paramount used to specialize in before they caught blockbuster fever. For years, they raked in the bucks with stuff like Double Jeopardy, Rules Of Engagement, Kiss the Girls, and Along Came a Spider. Of course, none of those were directed by Martin Scorsese. The trailer makes it look like B-movie pulp-fiction, and this poster certainly echoes that (alas, I think I've guessed at least one of the twists). Still, Dennis Lehane (Mystic River and Gone, Baby Gone) is batting 2/2 in the film adaptations department. The last Martin Scorsese picture that was sold purely as popcorn entertainment won him an Oscar.

Juli 19, 2009

went to the cinema

jum'at kemaren gue zaki dinar fay alit angga dio dan tiga orang lagi lupa gue hehe went to the cinema nonton harry potter. gue pulang sekolah jam 3'an dan langsung jalan kesana, sampe jam 4'an tuh gara gara si dio salah jalan. yauda tuh langsung beli tiket, kan gue yang beli gitu terus bingung banget mau yang jam brapa .. pas gue bilang ke mba mba'nya beli 10 tiket malah langsung ditunjukin studio 4 time 18:00 row L and seat 1 sampe 10 gitu. ckck udah ngga nafsu aja kan gue, yauda gue debat sama si dinar. baru nanya "gmana mau ngga nih di L? apa mencar aja, ngga pape kan?" EHH tuh mba mba langsung "jadi ngga nih beli tiketnya" (dengan tampang jutek logat nyolot dan jidat mengkerut) huehh yauda dengan polos dan pasrah langsung aja gue say YESSS. ehh abis itu gue sama dinar langsung ngedumel ngga jelas yang nyalahin mba mba'nya gitu ampe emosi gue. karna uda capek debat, yauda gue beli d'crapes terus keliling nunggu jam 6, 2 jam men muter muter kaya orang dongo. ditengah perjalanan, asikdah haha pada klaperan tapi duit pas pas'an semua yauda keluar mall nyari makanan yang murah, dapet tuh tukang bakso yauda tenang tentram deh perut ngga bermasalah lagi. uda jam 6 kurang, langsung tuh ke studionya. gue nonton dengan hikmat dan konsentrasi, tapi malah ditanyain mulu sama si alit ini siapa itu siapa knapa begitu knapa begini blablabla baweel banget. ckck film abis setengah 9, om gue nelfon dan ngomel ngomel, semuanya juga pada dicariin sih apalagi dio panik banget, dia harus pulang cepet jadi ngga bisa nganter, yauda pulang by public car haha. tapi pas lagi nyari mobilnya gitu gue dinar alit lari larian biar cepet, eh tapi gue malah tiba tiba brenti karna ngeliat cwo dan cwo sedang berpegangan tangan dempet hampir pelukan gitu sambil ngobrol dengan mimik muka yang getodeeh gila langsung brenti sejenak jantung gue. hahaha yauda tuh lanjut nyari mobil. ontheway gue ditelfonin mulu, jadi panik gitukan yauda gue lari pas uda sampe, abis ojek gak ada. eh pas nyampe om gue uda tidur. zzzeg! woaaah anying lu om gue udah engos ngosan ckck.
wes panjang aja haha

Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Without question, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the best out-and-out sixth chapter of any franchise since Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Granted, the competition isn't very stiff (Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, Police Academy 6: City Under Siege, etc), but it's still remarkable how well this long-running series has held up. So when I say that this sixth film is perhaps my least favorite film of the franchise, it is only tepid criticism at best. When a film this good can be considered the weakest of six, that says something about the consistency of quality running through the Harry Potter series.

A token amount of plot - Harry Potter is still recovering from the shocking death of Sirius Black during a battle royale at the Ministry of Magic. But while the press and the wizarding world at large wonder whether he is 'the chosen one', Harry quickly finds himself whisked away by Dumbledore to help recruit Professor Slughorn (Jim Broadbent), a retired potions professor who may have important memories involving the young Tom Riddle (ie - Voldermort). Meanwhile, Draco Malfoy has been recruited by the Dark Lord himself, but the task required is so heinous that Draco's mother turns to Severus Snape (the priceless Alan Rickman) for help and guidance. As the two respective chosen ones go about their opposing tasks, the promise of romance sends hearts at Hogwarts aflutter and hormones raging.

Knowing that the next two films will be plot and action-driven, director David Yates slows things down quite a bit, concentrating less on mysteries and dark plots and more on character interaction. As a result, the young supporting cast who have been somewhat sidelined since Prisoner of Azkaban are again given a chance to shine. While the romantic turmoil provides solid laughs, it is still somewhat disquieting to see our beloved hard ass Hermoine weeping in a stairwell over a boy. Yes, she has finally realized that she loves her past pal Ron, although Ron has been swept away by the pushy and forthright Lavender Brown. Meanwhile, Harry pines for Ginny Weasley, Ron's all grown-up baby sister who has secretly crushed on 'the boy who lived' since he saved her butt in Chamber of Secrets. Unfortunately, Evanna Lynch has turned the otherwise peripheral Luna Lovegood into such a charming, daffy, kind, wise, and lovely human being that it only makes Harry look that much dumber to be chasing the comparatively less interesting Ginny Weasley instead (at least Bonnie Wright does what she can to give Ginny a token more personality than Order of the Phoenix's dreadfully dull Cho Chang).

So while I have plenty of Hogwarts eye candy to keep my attention during the romantic melodrama, my wife got her fill during the more perilous subplot. IE - Alan Rickman's Snape gets more screen time than usual and Tom Felton's Draco Malfoy looks appropriately dapper in his new outfit of evil (sharp black suit with black shirt and black tie). The second major story arc concerns the maturation of Draco Malfoy. This is the first time that Tom Felton has gotten anything to do other than hiss and be grouchy, but wow does he knock it out of the park. Felton all but steals the film with very little dialogue, as his would-be villain painfully discovers that there is a big difference between merely being evil and actually committing acts of evil. While Harry's instincts about Draco are correct, his attempts to interfere continually make a bad situation worse. Draco's encounter with Harry Potter in a Hogwarts lavatory is a stunner, as Harry actually commits a rather shocking act of violence against a justifiably pissed-off Draco (PG-rating be damned, this scene is bloodier than anything in the last two films).

So the romantic subplot works pretty well, and the 'last temptation of Draco' stuff is surprisingly potent, so why doesn't the film work better, or at least as well as the original book? Well, for one thing, it becomes more obvious than usual in this chapter that the rules of magic are rather arbitrary in accordance with plot demands. For example, Dumbledore and Harry can basically teleport at will, but they need a boat to cross a scary moat. And while Dumbledore can wave his wand and restore a tattered and broken house anew, no one thinks to request said magic when a horrifying act of property destruction occurs at the halfway point. Furthermore, this is the first film since Prisoner of Azkabin where you really have to have read the book to truly understand character motivations. The movie barely touches Voldermort's back story, which was the spine of the sixth novel.

Finally, I'm fully aware than I'm being somewhat unfair, judging a film for not measuring up to the book, but the finale is not nearly as dramatically satisfying. Just as the death of Sirius Black was surprisingly muted in Order of the Phoenix, so too is the action climax of Half-Blood Prince. First of all, there really is no action climax. The 'death eaters attack Hogwarts' moments have been completely removed (probably to avoid repetition with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), leaving no real reason for said villains to show up in the first place.

Juli 18, 2009

get well soon dita..

gue ngga bisa ngeliat dita sakit, apa lagi sakitnya yang sekarang kayanya ngebuat dia menderita banget. welaah menderita ehe ngga menderita juga deng tapi ya gitu pokonya kasian. oke gue ngga ngeliat dia sih, but i know what she was feeling asikdah haha tapi iya kok. dia bilang badannya ngilu kaya ditusuk tusuk pisau, udah gitu kalo kena tembok sama air juga sakit. beh mantepkan tuh cwe gue haha as you said ya sayang zz uda gitu dianya juga panas, pusing, batuk, pilek, tenggorokkan sakit, bersin bersin pula. ckck tapi itu yang paling parah batuknya, ngga enak banget pasti berdahak gitukan ya, malah didukung dengan tenggorokan yang sakit lagi, udah tuh lengkap. helaaah sayang, kalo bisa ya aku pengen semua rasa sakit yang kamu rasain dipindahin aja ke aku. aku lebih kuat kayagitu ko dari pada harus ngeliat kamu kesakitan gitu akunya ngga kuat sumpah. get well soon ya sayang, kamunya yang kuat okay. dan kalo nanti uda segar bugar sehat wal'afiat, periksa tu idungnya oke! hehe adequate rest ya sayang, ilove you..

Dream World

Rata Tengah
hm bukan dream world juga sih, cuma hayalan gue doang. zz ehe ini gue gambar waktu kelas 8 kalo ngga salah, karna lagi males ngedit jadi keliatan gitu nilainya asik dah skalian mamer. ngga deng emang bener gue nya lagi males ngedit. ngga ngerti juga kenapa gue jadi posting ginian, mungkin karna kemaren gue liat isi flashdisk yang satu lagi dan ada gambar itu jadi ya gitu. yaudah jadinya ya begitu deh dunia yang gue pengenin, dunia yang melayang, ada kehidupan dilangit. seru tuh pasti kaya dragonball bzzt..

Juli 14, 2009

Ryand Reynolds cast as the Green Lantern

Entertainment Weekly, The Hollywood Reporter, and other less respectable sites are all reporting that Ryan Reynolds is the new flesh n' blood Hal Jordan (as opposed to the animated variation, who will be played by Christopher Meloni in Green Lantern: First Flight on July 28th). I was pulling for Bradley Cooper, but Reynolds is a fine actor with a varied resume. I'm personally a big fan of his work in the underrated Amityville Horror remake from spring, 2005. Reynolds gained far more from The Proposal than Sandra Bullock, as everyone already knew that Bullock could open in a mainstream romantic comedy. Good on Warner Bros. for not casting some 20-something CW-heartthrob (Reynolds turns 32 this year). Now the rest of the cast will likely fill out relatively quickly. As longtime readers know, I'm incredibly excited for this film for one reason - director Martin Campbell. He directed two of the best non-Connery 007 films (Goldeneye and Casino Royale) and directed one of the very best superhero films of all time (The Mask of Zorro - don't argue unless you want to pick a fight). Green Lantern is scheduled to open June 17th, 2011.

Juli 13, 2009

Jennifer's Body poster: Cute, but less is more

Sorry, I haven't seen Bruno yet so I can't contribute to the scholarly discussion taking place elsewhere. So, to fill up space between this morning's ode to Chris Klein and the upcoming Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince review, here's a look at the one-sheet for the upcoming Jennifer's Body. First of all, is it just me, or does the girl on the poster not quite look like the real Megan Fox? She looks more like a cross between the Transformers star and That 70s Show's Mila Kunis. No matter, 20th Century Fox knows what it's selling and is selling it right up front. Good for them. They do get bonus points for giving Amanda Seyfried (Big Love, Mama Mia, Mean Girls) billing above the poster. But they lose point for just having too much text. Do we really need a 'Hell Yes!' written on the chalkboard? Furthermore, the line 'She's evil... and not just high school evil' may come off as witty in the film itself, but it's too on the nose for a tag line. The one tag that works wonderfully is the straight-faced blurb "From the Academy Award Winning Writer of Juno". They should have just gone with that and let moviegoers use the visuals (Ms. Fox sitting on a desk with a human hand sticking out) and their imagination.

Juli 12, 2009

a friend is a loving companion at all times ..

follow your dreams, they know the way. if i could reach up and hold a star for everytime you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. you're my real friend!
one, whom i can just be with, never say a word and then walk away feeling. it was the best conversation i've ever had. i treasure every moment i spend with you. you've made me a millionaire in memories. missing them!

Bersosialisasi !

suatu hal yang dari dulu sulit bagi gue tuk dilakuin itu BERSOSIALISASI. tapi ngga juga deng tergantung sama anak anaknya asik apa ngga, kalo mereka asik ya gue lebih gampang bersosialisasi dan mugnkin lebih cepat jadi akrab, itu yang gue rasain dari sd smp sma. tapi beda sama sekarang, guenya bener bener ngga nyambung sama anak anak disini (tapi nyambung dikit deng ehe), gue ngga nyaman dan ngga ngerasa asik. ya ada sih beberapa yang top asik, tapi ya gitu tetep aja ngga enak apalagi skrang kelas baru, anak anaknya juga baru gue kenal semua. selain itu mereka rata rata mainnya pada berkelompok, ngga cwe ngga cwo sama aja shit! beda sama yang disana semuanya pada berbaur gitu, bisa nongkrong rame rame, maen sama sama, menggila bareng, ngerusuh kompakkan ckck top dah .. lah kalo disini?? busetdah gue kaya ngga punya temen, dikucilkan gitu zzzz lebe MODE ON haha ngga gitu juga deng, mungkin kalo guenya ikut gabung gitu ya okelah gampang tapi tetep aja gue kaga nyambung sama mereka hahaa. katanya "karna masih awal awal jadi mungkin masih pada diem cuek gitu, ntar lama lama juga jadi rame asik kok." ya emang biasanya sih kaya gitu tapi gue dari awal disini sampe sekarang sama aja kayanya. ck yasudahlah biarkan saja, pasrah dan ikhlas aja yoi asek dah hahah

Juli 09, 2009

Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter gets a poster all for himself

It looks like we'll be seeing character-centric posters for all of the main characters in this Tim Burton-directed Alice In Wonderland quasi-sequel (think Return To Oz). I'm assuming we'll see an official high-res version soon enough. Enjoy!

Juli 08, 2009


when you tell what do you feel in your heart to me and i response your love sensation with a smile on my lip. everything is beautiful, like a dream.
and the day in turns examined my love to you. i already give all of my love and my heart to you. however you always demand me more until i don't know what to do.
forgive me who not perfect till forever i always like this, i only want to always be better to you.
if i can become a person as you want until not replaced my love with the other loves.

Juli 07, 2009

RIP - Michael jackson (August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009)

I have no great obituary, no epic essay on his career. There are other places for that. I was just a new fan as a young child of the 2009s heheh, like so many others. I have no profound words other than the sad sting of inevitability (the speed in which the feature articles went up implies that the news magazines and newspapers have been planning this for awhile). Obvious condolences to his friends and his children. So here's to one of the greatest albums of all time, Thriller (still and likely always to be the biggest selling original album of all time). Here's to Bad, a vastly underrated effort that's almost as good. And here's to the great comeback album that will never be. You have no idea how much I wanted one last good album from the King of Pop...
He had some good music. More and more people are dying young.
May Michael Jackson rest in peace despite some of the negative things said about him.

The thing that comes to mind is that famous Elton John refrain, sung about another living icon who died suddenly and prematurely. "Your candle blew out long before. Your legend never did."

Juli 06, 2009

When you're in Love with a Beautiful Woman

When you're in love with a beautiful woman, you know it's hard.
everybody wants her, everybody loves her, everybody wants to take your baby home.
When you're in love with a beautiful woman, it never ends. you know that it's crazy, you want to trust her then somebody hangs up when you answer the 'phone.
When you're in love with a beautiful woman, you go it alone. maybe it's just that ego problem, problem is i've been fooled before my fair weatherfriends and faint hearted lovers but everytime it happens it just convinces me more.
When you're in love with a beautiful woman, you watch your eyes, you look for lies. everybody tempts her, everybody tells her. she's the most beautiful woman they know.


today bener bener ngebosenin buat gue. biasanya emang senen tuh hari yang ngga gue harapkan (eh bener kan ya sekarang senen?) tapikan ya sekarang juga libur, kenapa tetep ngebuat gue jadi bosen males do anything gitu ckck. dari pagi sampe malem cuma otm sama pc aja, makan males tidur ngga bisa maen bosen hidup ngga semangat welaah lebe bener, tapi emang suram bener hari ini. dita aje yang ngga kenapa napa tetep gue diemin karna males gtukan, tapi ngga deng dianya juga nyebelin ehee. maaf ya sayang, jarang juga kan aku diemin males gitu haha tapi ko perasaan minggu minggu ini guenya sering banget ngambek males gitu yaw? tapi ngga ko kayanya yegak dit-a? :D zzz
wuih kenapa pula ini gue jadi posting gini, perdana gitukan curhat. yaudalah ngga pape, mungkin juga karna lagi borrred.
oh iya, thanks buat bang gope, bang edie dan bang au dah siapa namanya lupa gue yang tadi bikin gue ngakak. ehehe

Juli 04, 2009

No Jelas

oke, ngga ngerti gue awalannya gimana. ckck tapi gini sebenernya gua bikin blog sama sekali ngga niat dan ngga jelas. waktu itukan ya gue lagi iseng sign up sign up apabae dah tu, ternyata gue juga sign up blog. sign up'nya sih gampang gitu gitu doang as usual, eeh pas udah jadinya malah bikin gue puyeng, dengan modal nanya sana sini akhirnya ngerti juga ini itu kegunaannya apaan, walopun sekarang guenya juga udah lupa. ehehe gua mau posting tapi ngga ngerti mau posting apaan. ini aja gue ngga paham apa yang gue ketik, entah curhat entah melakukan sebuah pengakuan bahwa betapa gapteknya gue. tapi karna guenya juga lagi borrred jadi ngga tau mau ngapain, yaudah bisa bisainlah gue ngetik apaan aja, tapi ini juga gue nanya sama orang ngerangkai kata katanya gimana, astozim.

Planet 51 Trailer

This looks blander than unbuttered toast, and it resembles an animated feature seemingly made on auto pilot. We have celebrity voices (Dwayne Johnson, Justin Long, Gary Oldman, Jessica Biel), a vaguely sitcom-ish 'fish out of water' plot line, and the promise of harmless hi jinks and G or PG-rated slapstick. Since Dwayne Johnson (an actor I usually enjoy) seems to be playing Patrick Warburton, I'm not sure why Sony didn't just hire him instead. Ironically, the picture very much represents a 'safer', more family-friendly variation on the second act of the surprisingly decent The Battle For Terra (which also starred Justin Long). That little-seen sci-fi parable actually had a reason for existing, and it more or less rode the courage of its convictions right up until the end. It should be on DVD very soon, and I highly recommend it.

GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra poster

It'll probably be better than Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, right?
(iyelaah pasti Right!!! bzzt)