Agustus 26, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

First of all, unlike the dreadfully dull Death Proof, the never-ending conversation is used in several major scenes as a way to build suspense and tension. In the frighteningly effective prologue as well as several other moments, the non-stop babbling is used as a weapon and an instrument of fear. Most of the chit-chat belongs to Christoph Waltz, who plays the would-be villain of the picture. As a 'Jew Hunter' personally dispatched by Hitler to find hidden Jews, Col Hans Landa uses the art of allegedly sophisticated conversation to draw out the moment, to further intimidate his would-be victims. Truth be told, in terms of screen time and impact, Waltz is truly the star of this film. And yes, it's ironic that a revisionist fantasy about Jewish American soldiers terrorizing Nazis is in fact stolen by the Nazi. It's a star-making turn and I'll be shocked if Waltz doesn't receive an Oscar nomination next year.

The film is comprised of five chapters, the first three running just over an hour total, with the final two parts taking up nearly 90-minutes. In a way, the film feels more like five one-act plays that eventually blend together to tell one story. The first is the tightest and most suspenseful, the fourth is the one that will please the Tarantino fans, and the finale is... well let's just say that's where most of the footage from the previews is taken from. movies.

The Tarantino picture earn points for having female leads who are actually adult women. Diane Kruger plays an inversed variation on Errol Flynn and Melanie Lauremen (really the film's second lead) reminds us of how damn sexy elegance can be. If she has an American film career after this, it'll be largely due to the opening shots of the fifth chapter. Brad Pitt basically chews scenery and Eli Roth has nothing to do. Oddly enough, a climactic moment of reflection seems to be almost apologizing for the crude tone and absolutely heartless violence of the previous 135-minutes, which had me wondering if this was some kind of subversive take on the 'lets make our enemies inhuman' philosophy that drives both war and general malaise. Alas, that idea is overtly dashed by the blood-thirsty, crowd-pleasing final scenes.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was turned off by the utter lack of humanity at play (the basterds are such merry and soulless killers that there are moments where our sympathies lie with the Nazi victims), and I wish I knew if Tarantino was trying to say anything of merit. But overall, Inglourious Basterds is a fine mess of a movie, an often suspenseful, occasionally witty, and usually entertaining bit of, yes, pulp fiction.

Agustus 25, 2009

Inception Trailer

This is obviously a pure teaser, showing next to nothing in the way of plot and character. But you know what? I don't care. Chris Nolan is currently the most exciting mainstream filmmaker working today. And, as wonderful as his Batman pictures are, I like his other work even better. As a HUGE lifelong Batman fan, someone who loves the first two Burton films as well as Nolan's two Batman pictures... The Prestige is still my favorite Chris Nolan film. I remember when I first bought my HDTV, I used the Prestige DVD to experiment with the colors and what not (prior to buying a PS3) because it was the most recent film I owned. Anyway, every time I toyed around with it, I'd find myself watching huge chunks of the movie. Between the Batman pictures, The Prestige, and Memento, well, if Insomnia ends up being his worst film, that will be a hell of a career. So tease away, for Mr. Nolan has more than earned my trust.

Agustus 24, 2009

The Wolfman

I think this movie is very cool. Seen in your favorite cinema
on february 12th.

Agustus 23, 2009


bosen, gaktau mau ngapain.... gue ngantuk tapi ngga bisa tidur, dari tadi cuma tiduran+games, tapi bosen yauda ganti tiduran+mp3 dan gue dengerin Killing me Inside "Letters of Memories"
Let's check this lyrics!
When we know that we` have to lose something
try to remember about we've been through
wishing that we`ll make it
And it will be ended

x :
It's all about its killing me
And it will always be a part of this life
When we know will be ended
It's all about its killing me
And it will always be a part of this life
But let this song reminds our memories

Our hearts stop beating our minds stop thinking
I've wasted more time dreaming... When it all comes crashing…
Cause we will never made it
So lets make this worth it and get paid for what we did
Maybe we should try to get this fukkin done
But how can we save it,so let's make this letter

this's not the end...

Reff :
We did everything together
This is what always reminds me
Don't Let everything go through just like tha
And just let the time end it

Our hearts shown in this song..
This is a letter about fucking the last
And we don't wantAny regret about our mistake

We have tried our best
And we'll always keep on doing our best
We've already started it
And we'll finish it until the end
With all any reasons, I couldn't say
That will be last..

back to x:
back to Reff:

second song is "Suicide Phenomena"

take my heart
and carry me now
and dont let me out to get a terrible day
i can't fell my heart
and the blood that you sharing me is killing me
and i just want to wake up and say

# what is like to be loved to be vexed to ne killed to be dying...........
that's the feelings here inside my heart("my heart")
and i just want to back to me
i want to
back to me
i need you
i cut my vain
i'm writting in pain
and when the blood shattered all over the blade
i got to say
the blade that your counting me is scaring me
but baby just came here to say
back to #

out bettween you bit me
no more danger makes me feel
just like dying now
cut out my finger
and pull the trigger
right on my dissaster

and third of Alesana
"Apology (acoustic)"

Sweat drips in my eyes (you're everything)
Screams of lust we cry (you're everything)
Tonight, you are everything (you're everything)
You're everything to me
No more as I wake
From this perfect dream
I can not stay down
Live this lie for I
Now must think only of myself
And to think that you will not be
Scared or surprised I severed
All these ties (this is the end)
This is the end

I'll lose myself in anguish
For tonight (this is the end)
Help me get over you (I feel so numb)

I feel so numb too
See this bitter end
It has come to this
One last kiss
Broken pieces will not mend
To save our past
Save our past now
(this is the end)

I'll lose myself in anguish for tonight
Help me get over you (this is the end)
One last false apology
Help me get over you

In my mind blood drips from your eyes
A beautiful last goodbye

oke, sekian review gue. zz

masa ya kan gue posting via mobile, eh jari gue keram.......

Agustus 21, 2009

How so hard to say "Sayang" zzZ

kangen dita nih! tapi kayanya tiap detik gua emang kangen mulu sama dia. weehaha
tadi bangunin dia saur suaranya top banget, lucuh gituh.. masa makan saur disuapin trus tetep tidur gitu, dasar anak manja!
dia bilang dari semalem gue jutek, maaf deh yaw cantekzs. kayanya itu gue males dah gara gara elunya pelit banget ngomong 'sayang' subhanallah yaAllah belagu!
eh belum tidur dong gua dari saur, skarang uda jam setengah tujuhan, pasti ntar gua long sleep, amin.
yauda, uda berat mata gue. cepet kasih kabar ya buat orang yang ngejualin hp gue. zz
okay, nice sleep yaw, morning!


gara gara hape jadi ngga tenang gini. minta tolong orang buat ngejualin, malah ngga ada kabar. makin ngga tenang kan tuh. kabarin kek dikit aja biar bisa tidur pules zz. hm sepele sih emang, tapi ya masalahnya gua lagi butuh duit ckck. yasudalah mencoba ikhlas dan pasrah saja.
yaa Allah, berikanlah jalan keluar kepadaku, harus diapain tuh hp biar ngga nyusahin mulu.. Amin
zz lebe banget dah ckck

Agustus 19, 2009

Justice League The Complete Series to be released... on DVD

Come November 11th, Warner Bros. home video will be releasing a box set containing the entire five-season run of Justice League (2001-2006). This snazzy-looking set will contain the 52 episodes of Justice League as well as the 39 episodes of Justice League Unlimited. The set will also include a bonus disc with a new documentary "Unlimited Reserve: Exploring the Depths of the DC Universe".
Great news, unless you happened to have bought the first season of Justice League on Blu Ray about one year and four day ago. This seems to imply that Warner Bros. is pulling a Disney home video on us, as it appears unlikely that we'll see further seasons of Justice League on Blu Ray. Ironically, I would have no qualms about re-buying this series in a complete series box-set (especially one that will actually fit on my bookshelf) had I not purchased season one on Blu Ray in an act of good faith. Still, if you don't own most of the previous JL box sets in one format or another, this will likely be a great buy. Just give the show a little time, as the first season remains the weakest season of any Timm/Dini/Burnett superhero show to date. On the plus side, season 2 is pretty spectacular.

Agustus 18, 2009

LA Times gives the skinny on that IMAX Avatar preview for next Friday..

Ben Fritz and Jon Horn are laying out the base details on next Friday's upcoming IMAX preview of Avatar. Simply put, Fox and IMAX are giving out free tickets to two sixteen-minute previews of the upcoming James Cameron film. The previews will be held at 6:00pm and 6:30pm. Apparently, a traditional trailer for the film will be released on Friday, the 21st of August. This is slightly similar to The Dark Knight's marketing strategy. On December 14th, 2007, they released the film's much-touted opening sequence exclusive with IMAX showings of I Am Legend. But on the same day, they surprised everyone with a traditional 2-3 minute trailer in general theaters on that same day.

First official photo from Avatar

Click to make it even bigger. Enjoy! zzZz

Agustus 11, 2009

My Lovely mom

ngga tau kenapa malem ini gue kepikiran nyokap gue. so, i would like a little story about my mom. she's a woman of strong, responsible, and full of sacrifice and love ..
gue akuin, gue emang ngga deket sama dia, makanan kesukaannya ataupun segala yang disukainnya aja gue ngga begitu tau, yang gue tau kalo dia tuh suka banget bawang goreng.
penyakitnya aja gue ngga tau, padahal obatnya banyak gitu ckck. gue jarang ngobrol sama dia, tapi gue heran terkagum kagum zz, kok dia bisa tau apa aja yang gue suka, nomor baju celana sepatu ampe underwear juga tau. incredible bin awesome gitukan..... sesuatu yang ngga gue suka aja tapi padahal cocok buat gue, dia ngerti. contohnya dia beli baju, tapi gue ngga suka tapi pas gue pake kata temen gue keren. wiih zz
nyokap gue tuh bisa dibilang gaul juga loh, ngerti trendnya jaman skarang. dia juga eksis gitu kayanya haha abis temennya banyak banget gile, kalah gue sama dia. sifatnya baik royal dan masa kalo lagi ngumpul sama temen temennya suka ngelawak gitu, itu lucu menurut mereka, sampe pda ktawa ngakak gitukan.
yang gue ngga suka dari dia, klo punya masalah sama 1 orang, pasti semua yang disekitarnya ikut kena omelannya, udah gitu panikan dan tidak nyantaian, cepet naik darah gitu, tapi cepet juga turun darah ZZZ
waktu itu pernah ada problem, pdahal gue yang salah, tapi kita sama sama adu bacot gitu ampe urat leher keluarkan tuh. yauda ngga ada yang menang akhirnya diem dieman seharian, eh besokannya dia langsung minta maaf ke gue and she said, "mami minta maaf deh yang kemaren, mami yang salah deh, maafin yaaa" intinya sih kayagitulah. abis ngomong kaya gitu, langsung dah gue ditawarin ini itu. haha
hubungan nyokap sama anak anaknya emang ngga begitu deket, tapi sejahat apapun sifat/perilaku anaknya yang udah bikin dia terluka mungkin hatinya dan bahkan nangis, tapi dia tetep inget dan mikirin anaknya. ya walaupun dulu dia pernah bersikap pilih kasih gitu sama anak pertamanya, tapi ngga tau deng dia pilih kasih atau karna takut gitu sama tuh makhluk.
yaudalah ngga tau apaan lagi, yang jelas gue sayang banget bangetan sama dia.. gue ngga mau nyakitin dan ngecewain dia terus, gue mau bales semua yang uda dia kasih ke gue, so .. gue pengen sukses dan bisa ngebahagiain dia Amin yaAllah
Iloveyou mom .. My love for you so big deep and much. Thank you for all the love you have given me